If you search on the history of mankind you can find that the upper class people like bishops or other peoples of Middle Ages were different types of graduation gowns with attractive colors. Most of them were red, blue or other attracting colors and the local people did not have the authority to wear those types of gowns. In these modern ages you can see that many older universities are also use different types of attractive gowns for special ceremonies and those are the endemic graduation gowns for those universities. Every endemic doctoral robe has its own design and color and you can hardly find any similarities between two endemic types of doctoral robes.
In Britain there are mainly two types of endemic graduation gowns and they are the Oxford Doctoral Robe and Cambridge Doctoral Robe. These shapes or designs are quite different of each other. Both graduation gowns have same sleeves and in past they used bell-shaped but now both use open sleeves which is longer than the past one. The button shapes are different for different colors and designs. In some cases you can see that the open shaped buttons and other cases close shaped buttons. Sometimes the buttons can be seen in front but most time the buttons are situated under the coat.
The graduation gowns can be varied with design and color about the position of the doctor. All these gowns are dress gowns but you can also get the undress gowns which is usually a black coated gown. Normally there is no difference between the student and master gown but in some universities you can get the difference between the design and color of undress gowns. These types of undress gowns are quite rare in the modern age but you can see them in the old British people or in old fashion British gowns design. In the older British universities like the Oxford and Cambridge you can still find the use of undress gowns but usually they always wear the modern academic dresses with dress formal graduation gowns.
So we find that there are mainly two types of graduation gowns are most familiar one is dress gowns and the other is undress gowns. The use of undress gowns is limited in these old British universities but the dress gowns are hugely popular in every country of the world. The design and color can be varied but the main patterns of the dress gowns are same in every universities of the world and you can hardly imagine any convocation or graduation parties without any graduation gowns.
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